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Философия и культура

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I. MAN           

 The beginning is Father.

The Same is Son.

And Son is the One Who Is, Giving Birth and Becoming.

The One Who Is represents a restless unity of Father and Son. For Father and Son are not only one, but also different. The difference between Them cannot but show. And it does show.


The above difference shows as a certain unrest. On the one hand, it is a movement from Father to Son, the birth. On the other hand, it is a movement from Son to Father, the becoming. In any case, Father and Son come up here not as independent entities, but as Sides of a single One Who Is. Because it is a restless unity of Father and Son.


Having shown, the difference between Father and Son retreats. Their quiet, indistinguishable unity restores. But it is not quite the unity the way it was in the beginning, not Father. It is now a more complex unity. It is a unity containing some distinction. It is Man.  


Man is married.

He consummates a marriage.

But, while consummating a marriage, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, He changes.

Verily, He is Child.


Man contains some distinction in Himself, he is married. His being married cannot but show. And it really shows. It shows, again, as a certain unrest.


The unrest inherent in Man is marriage. He consummates a marriage. In this way, His internal difference shows.


But while consummating a marriage, He remains His Own Self, an integrated Man. His being married, having shown, again retreats, giving place to a quiet unity. As if it were Man, as before. But having gone through marriage, He cannot stay the same. Of course, He remains His own Self, but, this time, not as Man. Verily, He is not Man. He is Child.


Child is Boy.

Boy grows up.

But, while growing up, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, while growing up, He changes.

Verily, He is Adolescent, Childish and Maturating.


So, Man finally turns out to be Child. The latter, as well as Man, is internally differentiated, He is Boy. His internal distinction, again, shows as a certain unrest. Boy grows up.  


The unrest, having shown, again retreats, giving way to a quiet unity. This new entity reminds Man. But Man has already shown Himself as the one consummating a marriage and turned out to be Child. Therefore, a more complex entity emerges here.


Man and Child have shown Themselves as internally differentiated, complex entities.

But it is the difference between Them that has not yet shown. This difference cannot but show. It becomes apparent in Adolescent.


Adolescent is a unity of two complex entities, Man and Child. First, it is a quiet unity, Man and Child are firstly indistinguishable. But there is a difference between Them, and it cannot but show. It shows, again, as a certain unrest. Two movements can be discerned here - from Man to Child, puerility, and from Child  to man, maturation. So, Man and Child have turned out to be Sides of the integral Adolescent.


Adolescent is childish and maturating.

But, while being childish and maturating, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, He changes.

Verily, He is Youth.


The above unrest, the restless unity of Man and Child has its limits. Having shown, it retreats, giving place to a new, quiet unity which is Youth.




So, the primordial Father has turned out to be Youth. The Latter represents a quiet, indistinguishable unity of Man and Child after the difference between Them has shown. The emergence of Youth means the finalizing of the circle of Man and entering the circle of God-Man.


The circle of God-Man is transitional. On the one hand, it rejects all that took place in the circle of Man. On the other, the circle of God-Man is not yet free from the circle of Man and is being built on its basis.


Youth is virgin.

He is the One Who Is Ashamed.

But, being ashamed, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, while being ashamed, He changes.

Verily, He is Human.


Youth also contains some distinction. This distinction is his virginity. It cannot but show.

And it does show.


Youth’s virginity becomes apparent as shame. The latter is an unrest inherent in Youth. Having shown, this distinction gives way to a quiet unity. But now it is not Youth. It is Human.


Human is the One Who Knows.

He congnizes.

But, while congnizing, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, while congnizing, He changes.

Verily, He is Friend, Creating and Understanding.


Human also contains some distinction, by virtue of which He is the One Who Knows, or intelligent. Human becomes aware of His being. This occurs due to the fact that Human’s true parent is Youth. The unrest inherent in Human is congnition.


But this distinction, intelligence, having shown, gives place to a quiet unity. Despite its apparent infinity, congnition also has its limits. After all, Human only congizes Himself.


As a result, Youth seems to be returning. But it is not quite so. Youth has already shown Himself as the One Who Is Ashamed and turned out to be Human. Both Youth and Human have already shown Themselves together with Their Own internal distinctions. It is only the difference between Them that has not yet shown.


Firstly, the difference between Youth and Human is in no way apparent. Human is inclined to consider Himself to be a rather independent Formation and ready to cognize ad infinitum. However, the difference between Youth and Human exists, and it cannot but show. And it does show. It shows, again, as a certain unrest. This unrest, a restless unity of Youth and Human, is Friend.


So, Youth and Human turn out to be Sides of a complex, restless unity, Friend. Here, two movements can be discerned. From Youth to Human, creation, and from Human to Youth, understanding.


However, this unrest, friendship, or a restless unity of Youth and Human, having shown, gives place to a new, quiet and indistinguishable unity, which is God-Man.


God-Man is Heavenly.

He is blessed.

God-Man is the One Who is Blissfully Happy.

But, while being blissful, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, while being blissful, He changes.

Verily, He is God-Child.


God-Man is a quiet, indistingshishable unity of Youth and Human after the difference between Them has shown. God-Man’s internal distinction is His heavenliness which becomes apparent as bliss, or happiness. So, there is happiness in the world, after all. The point is, though, that its appearance is not as manifest as other "distinctions”. Having shown, God-Man’s distinction retreats, changing into a new unity. Certainly, God-Man remains His Own Self. But, having gone through bliss, He is not God-Man. Verily, He is God-Child.


God-Child is Earthly.

It is the One Who Suffers.

But, while suffering, It remains Its Own Self.

And yet, while suffering, It changes.

Verily, It is God-Adolescent, Dying and Resurrecting.


God-Child is the same God-Man, only after the Latter’s internal distinction has shown. God-Child’s internal distinction, however, consists in Its earthliness. Its earthly nature becomes apparent in suffering. God-Child resembles a common Child from the circle of Man. It grows up in Its own way. But here it undergows a higher order growth, as it were.  


Also, God-Child resembles Human. But here, It encounters not Nature to be cognized, but, rather, a World as the vale of woe, as a test or even ordeal to go through.


A loss of happiness is experienced by many as a supreme injustice, as "punishment”, etc. Many curse their fates, blame God, try to find "natural” causes of their suffering. They even try to change the world, but not the way an artist would do it, but "in reality”, as they put it.  


Nevertheless, sufering is not eternal, either. Having shown, God-Child’s internal distinction retreats. God-Man seems to be returning. But God-Man has already shown Himself as blessed and turned out to be God-Child. Therefore, a new, more complex unity emerges here. This is God-Adolescent.  


God-Man’s and Cod-Child’s internal distinctions, having shown, both retreat. Then, the time comes for the difference between Them to show. God-Man and God-Child "meet”, turning out to be Sides of the integrated God-Adolescent. In the Latter, two movements can be discerned. From God-Child to God-Man, dying, and from God-Man to God-Child, resurrection.


God-Adolescent dies and resurrects.

But, while dying and resurrecting, It remains His Own Self.

And yet, He changes.

Verily, He is God-Youth.




God-Youth is a quiet unity of God-Man and God-Child after the difference between Them has shown. The emergence of God-Youth means completion of the circle of God-Man and entering the circle of God Himself. The circle of God Himself crowns the entire divine development.


God-Youth has an internal distinction, too. Firstly, it does not show in any way. But it exists, and it cannot but show. It shows as some unrest. In this case, it is dread.


God-Youth is the One Who dreads.

But, while dreading, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, while dreading, He changes.

Verily, He is God-Human.


God-Youth finds Himself in dread. In this way, His internal distinction makes itself felt. But, having shown, this distinction retreats and gives place to a new unity, which is God-Human.


God-Human abides in Faith.

But, abiding in Faith, He remains His Own Self.

And yet, abiding in Faith, He changes.

Verily, He is the One Who Lives, Saved and Enlightened.


God-Human shows His internal distinction, faith. Now, God-Youth seems to be restoring. But God-Youth has already shown Himself as the One Who Dreads and turned out God-Human. Therefore, a new entity emerges here, the One Who Lives.  


The One Who Lives represents the last stage of the divine development. He Who has reached this stage is saved from all the the vicissitudes of life. A the same time, He acquires the supreme knowledge.


The One Who Lives is Loving, Innocent, and Chaste.


Those are the ultimate definitions of God, which are respective to primordial Father, Son, and the One Who Is. 
Категория: Философия | Добавил: artifact (30.01.2011)
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